Satanism Bibliographies

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Satanism Bibliography (1): Religious Satanism and Demonolatry Bibliography

Religious Satanism has its inception in the fantasies and nightmares of Christians as part of the generation of subversion ideologies. Negative ideations form structures ascribing subversive motivations and interests to vague referents "in our midst", and at points in history these have been identified as 'satanists' (amongst many other things, such as 'heretics' and 'witches', some of which have become the focus of numerous historical moral panics). During the last century the mechanism of the subversion ideology and its function in moral panics has been adequately dissected by scholars, especially as it has made appearance in European and American society in response to immigration or novel religious developments.

Having been witness to rumour panics of this style decades prior, and observing the outcome of repealing laws restraining witchcraft in Europe during the 1950s, which in turn lead to the construction of witchcraft religion (Wicca et al), a natural outgrowth of this was the construction of satanist religion. As in the manner by which witchcraft religion arose in spots and then dispersed, so less numerously, but increasing in frequency, did the satanist religious arise and dissolve. The themes for both tended to run with subversion folklore promoted by Christians which were in many cases reflections off of Jews ('sabbats', 'synagogues of Satan'). These were drawn from numerous time periods and sources, with a greater emphasis by witchcraft religious on pre-Christian survivals somehow manifesting in modern society.

Religious Satanism began by, at a time in the United States just after a severe political moral panic (the McCarthyist Red Scare), attempting to grapple with the language of the religious moral panics by taking this up and re-deploying it in service to a new religion, following the example of witchcraft religious before them in the 1950s. During the 1960s, an organization sporting a 6th century calumny by John of Ephesus (the 'church of Satan') in San Francisco was created by Anton LaVey and others (including his wife Diane, friend Kenneth Anger, and others). They constructed a vehicle for media attention and a venue for instruction on personal empowerment via occult and religious means (including self-liberating 'Black Masses', cursing of one's enemies, self-indulgence contrary to puritanical morality, and expansive self-aggrandizement).

Competing with SF Bay Area Wicca and Crowleyan neo-Gnosticism of the 1960s, those who would become the Church of Satan at first constructed what they called their 'Magic Circle': a series of lectures or classes at which, for a small fee, LaVey would present monographs and esoteric data to those who attended. Later (as documented by Moody and Alfred in the 1970s), the lust and cursing rites were supplemented by the personal 'passages' ceremonies ('Black Mass' deprogramming, 'Satanic' christening, wedding, and funeral events), helped develop the religious character more fully.

The intensity of the personalities and diversity of interest of the people involved with the Church of Satan, in combination with its liberal Protestant context, led to numerous splintering and hiving events. This became more marked as the moral panic of the Satanism Scare during the 1980s-2000s ramped up, and the Church of Satan began to more stridently take on anti-Catholic apparel (building atop a church and bible a 'Black Pope', with their clergy wearing vestments resembling that of Roman Catholics, etc.).

Through time, the small number of people involved with religious Satanism, and the emphasis on ego and individualism by those who espouse Satanic philosophies with coherent integrity, has led to the proliferation of an identifiable body of literature associated with intended organizational ecclesia, on the one hand, or worshipful activity toward demons, on the other. With these documents is this bibliography concerned, initially tracking them and gradually including annotation for quality and content description.

This project began as a more general bibliography incorporating any aspect of satanism (subversion ideology) or (religious) Satanism, folklore of the demonic and of devilry, and taxonomized demonology. It still exists, but this section is here much expanded and refocussed on sustainable notions of what constitutes individual-based Satanic religious manifestation.

Bibliographic Entries (Religious Satanism and Demonolatry)

999, Caesar. The Satanic Bible. ( Raleigh: George A. Hart, 2007. 260 pgs. Print. -- According to its author its original title was "Satan's Divine Vampir Bible", and it contains "the Anti-Christian or Satanic Moral-Value System" as well as a copy of "Satanic Sorcery Volume I". The author is unknown to this editor and the presentation of this publication is illiterate and ignorant. Reviews are by uneducated LaVeyans who issue no usable information.

Alfred, Randall H. "The Church of Satan." In The New Religious Consciousness. 180-202. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1976. Print. -- The author engaged participant observation in an involvement with the Church of Satan during the late 1960s to the 1970s, becoming a high status member of the church and personal friend of many in the early church.

Amon1. "The Inverse Pentagram and the Meaning of Satanism." Satanism. (accessed May 6, 2006).

Aquino, Michael. The Church of Satan. 5th ed. San Francisco, 2002. PDF. (accessed April 10, 2010). -- Recommended.

Asmoday. "Profile of a Darkworker: Venus Satanas." The Darkworker Experiment. (accessed April 8, 2010).

Asmodeus. "Satan, Satanist Methods." 1997. Web. (accessed September 9, 2006). -- Dates are approximate, AOL's Hometown has shut down.

Azael, Brother, and Brother Obitus. Traditional Satanic Ritual. ( Raleigh: The Black Coven of Satanas, 2006. Print. 53 pgs. -- "Written by the High Priesthood of the Black Coven of Satanas, this small book is a guide to the religious worship of Satan. Contain[s] the text for ...the Witch's Sabbat and the Black Mass, ...for those who wish to start their own Satanic Covens... ...authentic Satanic rituals. Also included is ...the Al-Jilwah, along with an assortment of prayers and poems written by members of the Coven for use in the rituals." -- product description.

Barton, Blanche. The Church of Satan: A History of the World's Most Notorious Religion. Los Angeles: Hell's Kitchen Productions Inc, 1990. Print.

Barton, Blanche. The Secret Life of a Satanist. Los Angeles: Feral House, 1992. -- Exploring the expression and ideas of Anton Szandor LaVey. Blanche Barton was LaVey's lover, partner, and the High Priestess of the Church of Satan leading up to LaVey's death.

Baskin, Wade. Satanism: A Guide to the Awesome Power of Satan. Satanism ed. New York: First Carol Publishing, 1991. Print. Originally published as Dictionary of Satanism in 1972. Dictionary format; arch and informative content.

Black Coven of Satanas. "The 6 Infernal Statutes." Traditional Satanism. (accessed September 6, 2006). Mentions the Toledo group run by Sloane. Attempts to set out a style of theistic Satanism the author calls 'Traditional Satanism' as compared to 'Modern Satanism' such as might be found in the Church of Satan.

Black Coven of Satanas. "Satanic Theology." On Traditional Satanism. (accessed September 6, 2006).

Black Coven of Satanas. "Satanism." On Traditional Satanism. (accessed September 6, 2006). Mentions the Toledo group run by Sloane. Attempts to set out a style of theistic Satanism the author calls 'Traditional Satanism' as compared to 'Modern Satanism' such as might be found in the Church of Satan.

Boulware, Jack. "Has the Church of Satan Gone to Hell?" SF Weekly News San Francisco, June 17, 1998. Web. (accessed March 25, 2010).

Church of Satan Interview Archive. Produced by Matt G. Paradise. Burlington: Purging Talon, 2003. ASIN:PTPDVD001. DVD. Good quality reproductions of video interviews with Church of Satan celebrities and officials.

Connolly, Stephanie. The Complete Book of Demonolatry. Complete ed. ( Raleigh: Db Publishing/Darkerwood Publishing Group, 2006. 402 pgs. Print. First published in part within: 1997 "Modern Demonolatry" by Darkerwood Publishing Group; 2005 "Modern Demonolatry" by DB Publishing, and 2005 "Lessons in Demonolatry" by DB Publishing; ISBN-10:0966978862.

"...rites, magick, and practices that honor Satan and the Demons. ...delves into ... Demonolatry sex magick, necromancy, blood rites, and blood sacrifice. ...part workbook, part textbook, and part reference book. ...includes ...chapters on demonology, history, Demonic Holy Days, offerings, prayers, Enns, sigils, religious rites, and an introduction to Demonolatry Magick. ..." - product description

Connolly, Stephanie. The Daemonolater's Guide to Daemonic Magick

Connolly, Stephanie. Daemonolatry Goetia

Connolly, Stephanie. Demonolatry Rites. ( Raleigh: DB Publishing, 2008. Print. One of the old rituals was removed in this edition, but 20 never before published demonolatry rites have been included. Rituals come from S. Connolly's private grimoires, those of solitary practitioners, members of the priesthood, adepts, and sects from across the U.S. - product description.

DB Publishing. The Satanic Clergy Manual. ( Raleigh: DB Publishing, 2006.

Deboo, Jeffrey. "Amoral World, Amoral Religion." In Satanic Essays 2, collection. 1994. Reprint, Portland: Jeffrey Deboo, 1996.

Deboo, Jeffrey. "Religion of Hate?." In Satanic Essays 5, collection. 1994. Reprint, Portland: Jeffrey Deboo, 1998.

Deboo, Jeffrey. "Satanic Catechism." In Satanic Essays 1, collection. 1993. Reprint, Portland: Jeffrey Deboo, 1996. Write for catalogue: Jeffrey Deboo, 4326 SE Woodstock Blvd., #524, Portland, OR 97206.

Deboo, Jeffrey. "Satanic Philosophy." In Satanic Essays 3, collection. 1993. Reprint, Portland: Jeffrey Deboo, 1996.

Deboo, Jeffrey. "Satanism As I See It." In Satanic Essays 3, collection. 1994. Reprint, Portland: Jeffrey Deboo, 1997.

Deboo, Jeffrey. "The Satanist's Dilemma." In Satanist Essays 4, collection. 1993. Reprint, Portland: Jeffrey Deboo, 1997.

Deboo, Jeffrey. "Seizing the Rebel Godhead." In Satanist Essays 4, collection. 1995. Reprint, Portland: Jeffrey Deboo, 1997.

Deboo, Jeffrey. "Slavery in the Satanic Society." In Satanist Essays 5, collection. 1995. Reprint, Portland: Jeffrey Deboo, 1998.

Delaney, Michael. Sanctus Quattuordecim

Diabolique, Lianna. Devil's Bible: Traditional Satanism in the Modern World. Raleigh: ( Jason Sorrell, 2007. Apparently different than "The Devil's Bible" by Myrmydon.

Erebus, Brother. "What Makes a Satanist?." Traditional Satanism. (accessed September 6, 2006).

Fairhall, R. "The History of Satanism." The Satanic Kindred Organization. (accessed March 30, 2010). Review of this work: (3/30/10).

Fontaine, Jean La. "Satanism and Satanic Mythology" (PART 2). In Witchcraft and Magic in Europe, Volume 6 (The Twentieth Century), 81-141. London: Athlone Press (now Continuum Books), 2001.

Ford, Michael. The Bible of the Adversary

Gallagher, Eugene V. "Sources, Sects, and Scripture: The 'Book of Satan' in The Satanic Bible." Keynote speech, Satanism in the Modern World from CESNUR, Trondheim, November 19, 2009.

Gilmore, Peter H. "A Satanic Wedding, A Satanic Funeral Rite, and Rite of Ragnarok." In The Satanic Scriptures, 231-250, 251-274, 275-292. Boston: Scapegoat Publishing, 2007. Rite of Ragnarok was originally published in The Fenris Wolf, Volume 3, p. 39.

Giordano, Rossco. "Venus Satanas via --" (accessed April 8, 2010). Interview conducted via email.

Halcyon, Franco. Zeena LaVey: the Fallen Daughter. ( Raleigh: The Left Hand Path, 2010. "Brief, unauthorized biography of Anton LaVey's daughter, the Church Of Satan's ex-High Priestess: Zeena LaVey, including her rise and fall from grace. Contains never before seen photographs of Zeena LaVey." - product description.

Harvey, Graham. "Satanism: Performing Alterity and Othering." In Syzygy: the Journal of Alternative Religion and Culture II (2002): 53-68.

Hell: The Devil's Domain. DVD. Directed by History Channel. Manhattan: A & E Home Video, 2010. VHS: ASIN: B000WUW3GM. 100 minutes. "...history of human belief in the afterlife, heaven, hell, and the devil... [which included some coverage of Satanic religion].

Hermonen, Merja. "Rationalistic Satanism: the Individual as a Member of a Counter-Cultural Tribe." In Syzygy: the Journal of Alternative Religion and Culture II (2002): 69-104.

King, Jason. "The 4 Pillars of Traditional Satanism." Cathedral of the Black Goat. (accessed April 8, 2010).

King, Jason. Postmodern Satanism. Deluxe ed. Raleigh: LuLu Enterprises, Inc., 2009. "The definitive edition. Revised and expanded with two appendices and also including the First Book of Cain, Pandaemonium. Replaces the softcover dual edition." from product description at Reviewed Oct. 15, 2009, by darkfool.matt: "This first thing one should know about this particular edition of Postmodern Satanism is that it is void of a table of contents, of chapters, and of page numbers. As odd as this may seem, the book's non-categorization sets the tone for the material herein: a continual flow of the author's thoughts on a variety of topics relevant to understanding Postmodern Satanism. One of Jason King's greatest achievements in this book (his Magnum Opus) was his ability to use a broad range of topics such as Philosophy, Culture, Mythology, Science, Mathematics, Physics, Metaphysics, and The Occult, as models in order to explain his position, but not to solidify the position itself into a set of rigid dogmatic beliefs. By [not] doing so, King makes clear that Postmodern Satanism is a perspective that is constantly growing and constantly evolving. If you have ever wondered how Satanism is relevant within the 21st century, then Postmodern Satanism by Jason King is definitely a book for you to own." -- from (accessed 1/14/16).

Klein, Kim. "Witches are Back, and So are Satanists." Washington Post (Potomac), May 10, 1970.

Kristiansen, Roald E. "A Study of Satanism on the Internet in the 1990's." Syzygy: the Journal of Alternative Religion and Culture II (2002): 11-36. An earlier version of this article has been published in: Religion, Church, and Education in the Barents Region, ed. by Roald E. Kristiansen and Nikolay M. Terebikhin. Arkhangelsk, Russia: Pomor University Publishing House, 1997. Originally prepared for the Lomonosov Conference in Archangelsk, Russia, November 1995.

Laake, Winter. The Satanic Paradigm. ( Raleigh: The Number One Son Publishing House, 2010. Advanced LaVeyan theory and never before seen photography of Anton LaVey. Foreword by Stanton LaVey, Anton's grandson. - from the product description (rewritten).

Lap, Amina Olander. "One Satanism or More Satanisms." Speech, none from none,, February 27, 2008.

LaVey, Anton Szandor. "The Black Mass." Lecture. San Francisco, May 23, 1968.

LaVey, Anton Szandor. The Satanic Bible. Secaucus: University Books, 1969. First hardbound edition.

LaVey, Anton Szandor. The Satanic Bible. New York: Avon Books, 1969. Soft cover.

LaVey, Anton Szandor. The Satanic Rituals. Hackasack: Wehman Brothers, 1972. First edition, hardcover. LaVey edited this text.

LaVey, Anton Szandor. The Satanic Bible. 2nd ed. Hackensack: Wehman Brothers, 1972. Revised, 2nd edition, hardcover, with Satanic Rituals.

LaVey, Anton Szandor. The Satanic Bible. 1969. Reprint, Boston: Avon, 1976. Soft cover. Published with Satanic Rituals.

LaVey, Anton Szandor. The Satanic Bible. 1972. Reprint, London?: Star, 1977.

LaVey, Anton Szandor. The Satanic Bible: the Underground Edition

LaVey, Anton Szandor. The Satanic Rituals: Companion to the Satanic Bible. 1972. Reprint, Boston: Avon, 1976.

LaVey, Anton Szandor. The Satanic Rituals: Companion to The Satanic Bible. Boston: Avon, 1976. LaVey edited this text.

LaVey, Anton Szandor. Satanism Study Seminar. San Francisco, April 17, 1968.

LaVey, Anton Szandor. "The World's Most Powerful Religion." The Cloven Hoof 31, no. 127 (1996): n.p.. See (accessed 3/27/10).

LaVey, Anton Szandor. Satan Speaks! (LaVey, Anton). Los Angeles: Feral House, 1998.

Lavey, Anton Szandor. The Devil's Notebook. Los Angeles: Feral House, 1992.

Lewis, James R. "Anton LaVey, The Satanic Bible, and the Satanist Tradition." In Legitimating New Religions, 103-122. New Jersey: Rutgers University Press, 2003. previously published in Marburg Journal of Religion, Volume 7, No. 1 (September 2002), n.p.

Lewis, James R. "The Satanic Bible: Quasi-Scripture/Counter-Scripture." Address, Minority Religions, Social Change, and Freedom of Conscience from CESNUR, Salt Lake City and Provo, UT, June 22, 2002.

Lewis, James R. "Who Serves Satan? A Demographic and Ideological Profile." Marburg Journal of Religion 6, no. 2 (2001). (accessed March 23, 2010).

Lowney, Kathleen. "Teenage Satanism as Oppositional Youth Subculture." Journal of Contemporary Ethnography 23, no. 4 (1995): 453-484. Later published in "Cults in Context: Readings in the Study of New Religious Movements", ed. by Lorne L. Dawson, Transaction Publishers, 2005, pp. 313-338.

Margolin, Michael. Liber of the Goat. Raleigh: Morning Star Publications, 2007. "The official Sinagogue of Satan holy book written by founder Michael S. Margolin also known as the Mad Poet. This book is not mandatory to accept, unless you apply for ambassador or priesthood status in the Sinagogue of Satan. It is merely offered to Sinagogue of Satan members as an alternative holy book and is owned by the Sinagogue of Satan and no others."-- (3/30/10).

Melek. "Satanic Sermons". July 2009 (accessed April 8, 2010).

Moody, Edward J. "Magical Therapy: an Anthropological Investigation of Contemporary Satanism." In Religious Movements in Contemporary America, 355-382. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1974.

Myrmydon. The Devil's Bible. 3rd ed. ( Raleigh: Severed Head Publishing, 2009. Apparently different than "Devil's Bible" by Lianna Diabolique.

Myrmydon. The Devil's Disciple. ( Raleigh: Severed Head Publishing, 2010.

Nadramia, Peggy. "My Dark Satanic Love." The Black Flame, Mar. - Apr. 1992, n.p..

Nadramia, Peggy. "Review of 'Satanism: A Basic Introduction for Prospective Adherents'." The Black Flame, Mar. - Apr. 1993, 19. This is a review of a work by Anton Long from the Order of Nine Angles (ONA), which was printed at Shrewsbury: Thormynd Press.

O'Toole, Edward. Sophia Bestiae

O'Toole, Edward. Grimoire Bestiae, Crystal Dreams Publishing, 2007, 224 pgs. ISBN:1591466660.

Paradise, Matt G. Bearing the Devil's Mark. Burlington: Purging Talon, 2008.

Petersen, Jesper A. "Binary Satanism: the Construction of Community in a Digital World." Syzygy: the Journal of Alternative Religion and Culture II (2002): 37-52.

Petersen, Jesper A. "Modern Satanism: Dark Doctrines and Black Flames." In Controversial New Religions, 423-458. New York: Oxford University Press, 2004.

Petersen, Jesper A. Contemporary Religious Satanism: A Critical Anthology. Hampshire: Ashgate Publishing, 2009.

Petersen, Jesper A. "Satanists and Nuts: the Role of Schisms in Modern Satanism." In Sacred Schisms: How Religions Divide, 218-247. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2009.

Purswell, Ellen. Goetic Demonolatry by Ellen Purswell

Sass, James D. Essays In Satanism. ( Raleigh: The Devil's Bookshelf, 2007. Magister of the Church of Satan. Foreword by CoS HP Peter H. Gilmore. Afterword by CoS HPs Peggy Nadramia.

Satan in the Suburbs. "Commentary by CoS officials." DVD. Directed by Will Lyman. Ventura: Win Media, 2004. Documentary on Ricky Kasso, contains interviews with Jimmy Troiano, and with Peter Filardi.

Satanas, Venus. "Spiritual and Theistic Satanism." Theistic Satanism and Magick. (accessed April 7, 2010).

Satanas, Venus. "The Independent Satanist." Theistic Satanism and Magick. (accessed April 7, 2010).

Satanas, Venus. "The Force of Satan." Theistic Satanism and Magick. (accessed April 7, 2010).

Satanas, Venus. "Satanic Spirituality." Theistic Satanism and Magick. (accessed April 7, 2010).

Satanas, Venus. "My Life in Satanism." In Women's Voices in Magic, 81-88. Philadelphia: Megalithica Books, 2009.

"Satanis: the Devil's Mass." Satanis: the Devil's Mass / Sinthia the Devil's Doll. DVD. Directed by Ray Laurent. Hollywood: Image Entertainment, 2003. ASIN: B000093NSP. 163 minutes.

Scar, Kiki. "Sado-magic for Satan: An Interview with Zeena Schreck." Cuir Underground, Summer 1998. (accessed March 23, 2010).

Schreck, Zeena, and Nikolas Schreck. "Anton LaVey: Legend and Reality." Syzygy: the Journal of Alternative Religion and Culture II (2002): 37-53. Zeena Schreck was born Zeena LaVey and is one of Anton LaVey's daughters. She was the first public baptism conducted by LaVey and his church. She and LaVey had a falling out, leading to her involvement with the Temple of Set and her own activities with Nikolas Schreck. This article was apparently compiled and available in 1998 prior to appearing in Syzygy.

Smith, George C. "Recognizing Pseudo-Satanism." The Black Flame, Jan. - Feb. 1987, n.p.. See (accessed 3/27/10).

Smith, George C. "Satanism and Objectivism." Black Flame, Jan. - Feb. 1997, n.p..

Smith, George C. "Appendix 11: The Hidden Source of the Satanic Philosophy." In The Church of Satan, 499-501. 5th ed. San Francisco: Self-published, 2002. Originally published in The Scroll of Set, June 1987.

Sotelo, Marvin A. "Satanic Magic (From the Book of the World)." In The Book of Darkness, n.p. Atwater: Ordo Templi Satanis, 1991. Los Angeles OTS: P.O. Box 63034, Los Angeles, C.A. (213) 479-6714

Sotelo, Marvin A. "What is Satanism? (From the Book of the World)." In The Book of Darkness, n.p. Atwater: Ordo Templi Satanis, 1991. aka Sir 'Knife' Sotelo, Los Angeles OTS: P.O. Box 63034, Los Angeles, C.A. (213) 479-6714

Speak of the Devil. VHS. Directed by Nick Bougas. Chicago, IL: Wavelength Video, 1993.

Spiritual Satanism. DVD. Directed by Venus Satanas. ( Raleigh: Venus Satanas, 2009. A collection of videos created by Venus Satanas in 2008 covering Satanism, Satanic Philosophy, and more.

Susej, Tsirk. The Demonic Bible. Grimoire ed. Raleigh:, 2009. Tsirk Susej is the pseudonym of Chad Miller. He dissolved his Embassy of Lucifer (EOL) in the early 2000s.

Susej, Tsirk. Ketab-e-Siyah, (Book of Darkness). Includes Liber Domini Santanai, Livri Luciferius, Meshaf I Resh, Al-Jiwah, and many other books ascribed to Satan. - product description

Towelhead, Troll "Adversarial Aeon Begins: Satanic Pact on 9666." Address, Satanic Pact on 9666 from TOKUS, Scotts Valley, June 6, 1996.

Towelhead, Troll "Adversarial Aeon Year 5 Begins with Crossroads Ritual." Lecture, Crossroads Ritual from Black Man, Forestville, June 6, 2000.

Towelhead, Troll The Gospel of Satan. (accessed March 26, 2010). "The Gospel of Satan: the Satanic perspective on Jesus tales, from the rise of Anthropos out of matter, to the rape of Miryam, the death of Yeheshua, and the flight of Yahweh." site description.

Towelhead, Troll "Manifesto Satanika." Satan Service. (accessed April 7, 2010).

Towelhead, Troll "Real Satanists Ranked by Searching Hits, Arranged by nocTifer." Satan Service. (accessed March 26, 2010). "The Gospel of Satan: the Satanic perspective on Jesus tales, from the rise of Anthropos out of matter, to the rape of Miryam, the death of Yeheshua, and the flight of Yahweh." site description.

Towelhead, Troll "Satanic Mano Poderosa." Satan Service. (accessed March 26, 2010). Description of the creation of a 'Hand of Power' by an occultist and Satanist, boboroshi.

Towelhead, Troll "The Satanism of Jeffrey Deboo." Satan Service. (accessed March 30, 2010).

Vera, Diane. "A Critique of Wiccan and Other Neo-Pagan Disclaimers About Satanism." Theistic Satanism. (accessed March 30, 2010).

Vera, Diane. "Satanism and the History of Wicca." Theistic Satanism. (accessed March 30, 2010).

Vera, Diane. "Satanism and Me." Theistic Satanism. (accessed March 30, 2010).

Wolf, Ole. "The War Cry of the Vanquished: Might is Right? or is it That Right is Right?." Satanisk Forum (Satanist Forum). (accessed March 26, 2010). Ole Wolf was a Church of Satan member who left the church.

Wolfe, Burton H. The Devil's Avenger: A Biography of Anton Szandor LaVey. Salem: Pyramid Books, 1974.

Wright, Lawrence. "Sympathy for the Devil: It's Not Easy Being Evil in a World That's Gone to Hell." Rolling Stone Magazine, September 5, 1991, 62-70.

Zane, Matt. Transcendental Satanism: Doctrines of the Infernal Process. ( Raleigh: Matthew Zicari, 2009. "...something that is more along the lines of a religious dissertation. In Doctrines of the Infernal Process Zane discusses his passion for Satanism and offers his take on the taboo subject brought to the American mainstream by Anton LaVey in the mid-sixties." - product description at

Religious Satansm Appendix 1: Key Terms for Further Research

What follows is a key term list for the benefit of those who may wish to use search engines to conduct additional research via search engines or institutional databases. This type of study and search kernel is the future of library reference, supplemented by excerpted quotes from meritorious sources.


satanism, satanic, satan, satanas, anti-christian, laveyan, inverse, black, coven, sabbat, black mass, demonolatry, demon, devil, rebel, revolution, promethean, sorcerer, sorcery, pact, blood pact, black magic, black flame, devil's mark, lucifer, grimoire, adversary, infernal, pact with the devil


religion, philosophy, ritual, scripture, bible, theistic, mythology, traditional, modern, self-styled, self-religion, priest, priestess, magister, magistra, clergy, doctrines


individualism, objectivism, epicureanism, materialism, atheism, theism, egotism, hedonism


anton lavey, michael aquino, blanche barton, zeena lavey, jeffrey deboo, george smith, wade baskin, arthur lyons, gavin baddeley, church of satan, temple of set, horde of independent satanists


james r. lewis, jesper a. petersen, amina lap, asbjorn dyrendal

Religious Satansm Appendix 2: Websites Worthy of Mention (Accessed 6/6/24)

A list of amusing, entertaining, and informative websites somehow related to the subject of religious Satanism. (Accessed 6/6/24) (Accessed 6/6/24) (Accessed 6/6/24) (Accessed 6/6/24) (Accessed 6/6/24) (Accessed 6/6/24) (Accessed 6/6/24) "Embracing the Dark: the Magic Order of the Dragon Rouge -- It's Practice in Dark Magic and Meaning Making", by Kennet Granholm, Abo Akademi University Press, 2005. "The Prince of Darkness on the Move: Transnationality and Translocality in Left-Hand Path Magic", by Kennet Granholm, CESNUR, 2007. 10-31-1999 The Satanic Church (Karla LaVey)

Covers and Copyrights of Early Satanic Scripture

satanicbibleavon1st.jpg (Accessed 6/6/24)

Satanism Bibliography (2): Documentary and Sociological Bibliography

I have showcased this Bibliography on another part of the site.

Related sites of interest:

The Gospel of Satan: the story of Jesus and the angels, from the perspective of the God of this World
Satanism Bibliography: composite booklist of relevant sources on Satanity and devildom, by category
Satanic Blood Pact: explanation of how, why, and when to make a blood pact with the Devil
      Adversarial AEon Begins: the particular and specific incident of a Satanic Blood Pact described
Manifesto Satanika: a generalized Satanic sociopolitical manifesto, with a helpful elaboration
nocTifer: a tender-hearted Satanian (nagasiva yronwode) in all avenues of expression
      Bookmarks in compilation from the Magus of the AEon of the Adversary

Hoodoo in Theory and Practice by cat yronwode: an introduction to African-American rootwork
      Southern Spirits: 19th and 20th century hoodoo accounts, with ex-slave narratives & interviews
      Association of Independent Readers and Rootworkers: readings and hoodoo services
      Hoodoo Library facilitating an education on conjure, and help procuring modern sources
Herb Magic: illustrated descriptions of magic herbs with free spells, and a way to obtain them
Free Spells from eclectic witches, Coven Kyklos, in their Book of Shadows, called "Spiritual Spells"
Lucky Mojo Spell Archives: love spells, money spells, luck spells, protection spells, and more
Mystic Tea Room: tea leaf reading, teacup divination, and a museum of antique fortune telling cups
Tarosymbolismatrix Tetraktypisciseferoticus: the symbolic foundation of a novel Tarot deck
Change Oracle: rudiments of Yijing (I Ching) and several means of using it for readings
Lucky W Amulet Archive by cat yronwode: an online museum of worldwide talismans and charms
Usenet FAQ Archive: arcane and spiritual FAQs and REFs, brought to you by Lucky Mojo
YIPPIE: the Yronwode Institution, bearing the standard of indigenous ethnomagicology

Arcane Archive: thousands of archived usenet posts on religion, magic, mysticism, and spirituality
Missionary Independent Spiritual Church: inter-faith; candle services; Smallest Church in the World
Sacred Sex: essays and articles on neo-tantra, karezza, sex magic, and sex worship
Aleister Crowley Text Archive: a multitude of texts by an early 20th century occultist