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Stories of Yeheshua or Jesus are generally called 'gospels' because they are understood to convey the 'good news' that hope, charity, friendliness, good-will, kindness, peacemaking, and love are the epitome of religious observation.

There are numerous gospels, far greater in number than have been enshrined as Christian historical fashioning. These have been compiled and analyzed by great academicians such as Elaine Pagels ("The Gnostic Gospels") and Olav Hammer ("Alternate Christs").

Through the years (as within meager attempts such as 'The Jesus Seminar'), attempts have been made to analyze and salvage any historical or evidential vestige beyond the stories taken up by religions for purpose. Academics such as Robert M. Price ("Deconstructing Jesus", "Incredible Shrinking Son of Man: How Reliable Is the Gospel Tradition?") have all but buried the notion that any contemporaneous figure might be connected to the superordinary tales connected thereto. Analysts such as Alan Dundes ("Holy Writ as Oral Lit: The Bible as Folklore) have adequately explained them as written expressions of an oral tradition which, except by euhemerian standards, have neither the ring of history nor the bearing of more than folklore.

The Gospel of Satan

The Gospel of Satan was written primarily as a fictional inversion text whose premise was that Yeheshua, his Father God Yahweh, and the rest of their sod, were newcomers to the planet from distant stars, bent on domination, yet thwarted somehow from this by the Gate of Death. As such, it featured Jesus as an 'antagonist', and yet describes him in fond terms as a loveable but easily-manipulated tool, first of his father and secondarily of Satan, who uses him to foster the religion of Christianity and shift human beings toward more pastoral and terran-based religion, less populated by wrathful tyrants and centered on the image of the slain deity.