[from http://www.nasz-dom.net/mars/sacrifice.html ] Sacrifice Although it was over seven years away, I believed the time was right to begin the planning for my performance of the Ceremony of Recalling; a sinister ritual of sacrifice where the victim or opfer was offered to Baphomet, the dark Goddess of Satanic tradition, regarded as the Bride of Lucifer. According to the tradition I was heir to, the ritual was performed every seventeen years by the Grand Master or Grand Mistress who represented that tradition - the opfer being a Priest of the tradition. In the ceremony, the Mistress of Earth identified with the role of Baphomet. The sacrifice could, of course, be purely symbolic. It had been a long time since a voluntary sacrifice had occurred, the opfer, in the recent past, being carefully chosen. I believed I should continue this recent trend. I would need to plan the rite carefully ~ carefully choosing those who would take part. They would be sworn to secrecy, and would have to have no doubts of any kind. I, like a few others, understood the meaning of the rite itself - it would continue a tradition, creating a link with past deeds and thus magickal energies, and it would also create or draw down its own sinister energies. These could be directed to achieve a specific goal, or they could be directed into a chosen individual or individual who would have an important sinister Destiny to fulfil, or they could be stored to await further use. Whatever, it was an extremely powerful and sinister rite. Such a sacrifice would thus be for a specific Satanic goal, and in accordance with Satanic honour the opfer [for this would have to be an involuntary sacrifice] would choose him/her self by their deeds. That is, their removal would benefit evolution, and consequently aid the sinister. They would not be chosen at random, as they would not be, despite the claims by those who knew nothing about genuine Satanism, virgins or children. They would be those whose removal would actively benefit our long-term aeonic goals. Let me express this plainly so that it will be understood. The victim or victims would be the type of person or persons whose death by whatever means would not be mourned - someone of whom many would say: 'He/she deserved it...' The sacrifice would be akin to an act of natural justice. Naturally, it would be myself, in consultation with a few others, who would decide, and this decision would be based on sinister strategy or aeonics. Such an opfer could be chosen by such means at other times and the appropriate rite of sacrifice performed, but the Ceremony was more specific: its aims, intent, were for a definite purpose. Accordingly, I began to plan for the ritual ~ 1 already had a few vague ideas concerning suitable candidates, and asked a trusted Guardian of one of the Temples to begin research into their backgrounds. I also visited a few possible sites for the ritual, researched others, and began to consider those who might participate with me. Of course, I had undertaken sacrifices before ~ in the approved manner. And even before those, I had tried a ritual of sacrifice. This was in my early days, before I assumed my role as heir. I, with some others involved in politics and vaguely involved with the sinister, planned to sacrifice someone to commemorate the founding our our new political movement. We chose the victim, and gathered on a crag in Yorkshire one night. Our plan was to will the victim to fall over the cliff to his death. So invokations were done, energies directed. The victim became possessed, stumbled and fell. Unfortunately, he fell only a short distance, and was mostly uninjured. So in that sense the ritual failed. I knew why - of those gathered, only myself and one other really wanted to cause someone's death. The others were not committed to the sinister. My other attempts were successful. The victims fell by assassination, or were victims of 'accidents' - all achieved by my "underground" political work, and what followed thereafter. I simply - before the act of execution - dedicated their death to my sinister cause. It was quite simple, and very effective, even in battle. I was merely continuing a long~standing pagan tradition - dedicating enemies beforehand, and then killing them, for a cause, of course. Being enemies, they deserved to perish, their death aiding the sinister dialectic. Such was the "approved" Satanic manner. Thus did the victims choose themselves. Naturally, those who have no understanding of Satanism, as well as those who oppose that philosophy of living, portray sacrifice differently. According to them, it is always the 'innocent' who are victims, who are opfers. They seldom, if ever, define what is meant by 'innocent' - and cannot, however they try, define on a satisfactory basis, what 'evil' is. Hopefully, my revelations will destroy such myths - as they will destroy the attempts by the feeble, mostly urbanized, people who call themselves 'Satanists' and who deny sacrifice exists or ever has existed as a Satanic practice. These people know nothing about real, primal, Satanism - they like the glamour of the sinister but are weak individuals, lacking in character, who play at "roles" in a fantasy world. They do not have the passion, the spirit, the desire, the pride or the creative genius of genuine Satanists. Such people, in fact, would make good opfers ... Finally, what I have written before bears repeating - wars are the ultimate sacrificial rites, and it no coincidence that sometimes the siniste rdialectic has aided these, and occassionally brought them about. - Order of Nine Angles - http://www.nasz-dom.net/ EOF