[from http://www.nasz-dom.net/mars/culling.html ] Culling - A Guide to Sacrifice II ONA 1990eh (revised 1994eh) As has been written - opfers are human culling in action. That is, Satanic sacrifice makes a contribution to improving the human stock: removing the worthless, the weak, the diseased (in terms of character). Naturally, this culling occurs on a somewhat larger scale by using magickal means to direct/influence/control events in real time (i.e. in the causal) and so produce historical change [war/strife/ struggle/ revolution and so on] than it does by choosing a specific opfer and executing an act of sacrifice. However, the correct choice of opfer means that with their elimination the sinister dialectic will be aided and thus the intrusion of the acausal into the causal speeded up. [ In non-esoteric terms read: "aid the dark forces to spread over Earth."] The choosing of specific opfers depends on three things: (1) Satanic judgement; (2) and insight into and knowledge of Aeonics and the sinister dialectic; (3) the means for undertaking the act without compromising the individuals involved are available. Generally, it is the duty of a Master or Mistress to select opfers, although any Satanist, from novice upwards, can suggest suitable targets, in which case the Master or Mistress, after due consideration, will give judgement as to the suitability of the target. (1) means a judgement is made, based on experience. Often, this is judgement concerning the character of the victim. The victim may be suggested/chosen (a) because one or more of their actions has brought them to attention and made them seem suitable; or (b) their removal will be beneficial to Satanism/the sinister dialectic. The suitability of the victim is decided by a Master or Mistress, and once confirmed, the victim or victims are subject to tests (qv. 'Guidelines for the Testing of Opfers' MS). Often, the Master or Mistress arranges to meet to victim or victims 'accidentally' and so can judge them on a personal level. (2) means the proposed action is assessed in the light of Aeonics/the sinister dialectic - i.e. will the removal of the victim or victims aid the cause of Satanism? The dialectic? (3) Means that (a) members are available to conduct the tests; (b) the loyalty of those members and the others who will participate in actual sacrifice is assured; (c) the Temple has the means and the abilities necessary to conduct the act: for example, make it seem 'accidental' if an "accidental death" is decided upon as a means of avoiding detection; can ensure safe untraceable disposal after the act; arrange an alibi should any participant need one. Opfers are not chosen at random - they are always carefully selected, then judged, then tested. The actual act - be such a ritual or a practical act (such as an assassination) - is never done for any personal reason. That is, it never arises out of personal emotions or from personal desires. Instead, the act is supra-personal - done with a Satanic judgement and a Satanic detachment arising from both sinister knowledge (e.g. of Aeonics) and direct knowledge of the character or actions of the victim. The act itself and the prior judgment as to the suitability of the victim or victims is often communal - involving a Temple/group and thus a participation which enables a reasoned and balanced assessment by those participating. In such communal action, one member is appointed to argue the case for or on behalf of the intended victim or victims during the special sunedrion which is convened by the Master or Mistress to consider the selection of victim(s) and arrangements for the act. The act itself is one which glorifies the Satanic, which affirms Satanic values - that is, it aids evolution in a positive way, enhancing the lives of individuals. In short, it aids self-development (of the participants) and aids evolution (via the sinister dialectic/nature of the culling). Opfers become/are chosen as victims because of their nature and/or because of their deeds. Mostly, victims are dross - those whose removal will aid change/the growth of civilization/the Aeonic imperative. The judgement which decides the fate of an intended victim or victims is of course a Satanic one - and quite often, this judgement is akin to an act of 'natural justice' and/or a Satanic retribution: the victims have effectively condemned themselves by their deeds/their nature. In effect, Satanic sacrifice is conscious evolution in action. Many examples might be presented to illustrate this - but four will suffice, although it should be remembered that these are merely illustrations, specimens, to throw light on the underlying principles involved. I.) A young man of weak character (no self-discipline; a lout of the worst kind) spends his time stealing cars and committing petty crimes. He lives on 'Social Security' benefit and has a disdain for nearly everyone - which he shows by his loutish, foul-mouthed behaviour: when he is with friends, of course, since he is too weak and cowardly to do anything provokative on his own. He is often drunk. On one occasion, he steals a car with some of his cronies, is chased by Police but escapes. During this chase, he crashes into some other cars and two people are injured, one of whom is a young woman who sustains serious injuries the effects of which will be with her for the rest of her life. Some time later, this lout and some others break into the home of an elderly, blind man. The man attempts to stop them and this enrages this lout who beats the old man unconscious. The elderly man had fought in the Great War of 1914-18 and had been awarded several medals for gallantry. After this beating, the lout is rather proud of himself and considers he is something of a 'hard man'. This lout is a typical example of the modern dross modern society produces in such profusion and which this society does nothing effective about. His character and his actions make him a suitable candidate for sacrifice - his removal will be a culling, benefitting evolution, and be an act of natural justice, restoring balance. Satanic judgement would give him a chance to redeem himself - make something out of himself - via tests designed to show if he has any potential. Should he fail the tests, he would be regarded as an opfer. II.) A Satanic novice living in a European country where questioning the 'holocaust' is a crime, in Law, joins an extreme Right-wing political group which works "underground". In doing this, he hopes to acquire experience "on the edge" and actively aid the sinister dialectic by challenging 'the accepted' and speaking/working for and on behalf of the heretical and 'the forbidden' (in that and other Western countries, the heretical is National-Socialism: qv. MSS on Aeonics). After some months of action, he and some others are betrayed by someone working with them. The person who betrayed them had been arrested doing something dreadfully 'illegal' (distributing forbidden books and leaflets) and had made a deal with the authorities whereby he only gets a fine if he gives them the names of others involved in the underground cell. Our novice however escapes to another country - but two of his Comrades are caught and after a farce of a trial are sentenced to several years imprisonment. Thus the betrayer makes himself a candidate for sacrifice - he acted against the sinister dialectic (and thus those aiding that dialectic) and revealed a weakness of character. III.) A particular individual is prominent in actively organizing and encouraging violent opposition to those who are members of a political group whose actions and policies [unknown to them] are aiding and will aid the sinister dialectic and whose nationwide success would begin a new upward phase in evolutionary change. By his actions over a period of time, this particular individual becomes an opponent of those who desire to bring about this new evolutionary change - and thus he becomes a suitable candidate for sacrifice. His removal - most effectively by assassination - will be a lesson to others and beneficial for those whom he opposed, and thus will aid the dialectic. IV.) An Adept desires to practically and effectively disrupt the status quo and encourage the breakdown of the present system, aiming also to bring about a revolutionary state of affairs in his country beneficial to those whose actions and policies [unknown to them] are aiding and will aid the dialectic and thus evolution. To do this, he aims to target a particular, distinct, group - considering them all as suitable potential opfers. That is, he considers this particular group - by its nature and by its collective presence and actions - has shown itself to be suitable: removal of as many of its members as possible will be conscious natural selection in action. In effect, he wished to create a particular type of 'tension' in society by eliminating members of this particular, distinct, group. The Master guiding this particular Adept agreed this was a feasible option, from the point of view of practically and effectively aiding the sinister dialectic. A special sunedrion was held to consider this, with a member defending the character and presence of this particular group within this particular society. After hearing and considering all the arguments, the judgement of the Master was that the members of this particular distinct group (and others like it) could indeed be classed as opfers and thus that the removal of one or many would be beneficial. Essentially, sacrifice falls into two categories - (1) sacrifice by magick by means of a magickal rite, such as the Death Ritual; (2) sacrifice by some physical act - i.e. death by practical means. (2) can and often does involve a secondary and/or simultaneous magickal ritual which aids or is a part of the practical act of execution. ^^^ Excursus: The Reason for Revealing a Secret Sinister Tradition Too often, in the past, the true nature of Satanic sacrifice was hidden - even from many who professed to be Satanists. More recently, pseudo-Satanists have falsely claimed that "Satanism does not and never has conducted human sacrifices." However, I repeat that human sacrifice - properly conducted according to the guidelines laid down by traditional Satanist groups - is a culling and thus is positive and a practical expression of Satanic belief. Of course, the modern pseudo-Satanists deny this - since in their weakness they seek respectability and seek to make what they call 'Satanism' like themselves: weak, pseudo- intellectual, ineffective, inoffensive and addicted to fantasy role-playing. The time is now right, however - both strategically and tactically - to reveal the Satanic truth, the whole Satanic truth and nothing but the Satanic truth in clear, precise terms which are not open to mis-interpretation. The traditional code of silence which forbid the casting of this aspect of esoteric Satanic tradition into writing - and which expressly forbid the dissemination of anything connected with that aspect - no longer applies. That is, the Grand Master representing traditional Satanic groups recently decided to permit this aspect of the tradition to be not only written down, but also disseminated. This would establish for both present and historical purposes, what the true nature of Satanism was and is since it was considered that the time was right (given the conditions pertaining in Western societies at the time the decision was taken) for this knowledge to be made known. The main reason for this judgement was Aeonic - to enable greater participation in genuine Satanism, thus increasing the number of genuine Satanists, and thus enable these Satanists by their acts and their living to implement sinister strategy. With the revealing of the principles and practice of Satanic sacrifice, all of genuine Satanic practice and belief was made accessible - it was no longer confined to esoteric groups or reclusive individuals. A subsidiary reason for revealing this aspect of sinister tradition was to counter the falsehoods of the pseudo-Satanists. These pseudo- Satanists had set themselves up, within what had become the 'Occult establishment', as authorities on Satanism - making pronouncements as to whom they considered to be "genuine Satanists" and which group or groups they considered to be "authentic". Of course, those so deemed 'genuine' or 'authentic' had to fit their definition of what they considered Satanism to be - and by the nature of that definition these so-called 'genuine Satanists' were one or more of the following: jerks, role-playing hucksters, babbling pretentious nerds, fantasy-mongers, pseudo-intellectual dabblers, mental defectives and vain, egotistical, materialistic urbanized softies incapable and afraid of undergoing genuine ordeals in the real world. These people went around feeling rather pleased with themselves and their safe, tame 'Satanic' world of fantasy-rituals conducted in covens/pylons or in some pathetic 'temple' they made in their own home out of various bits-and-pieces sold to them by some "I really believe in the power of crystals" Occult-shop owner. The meanderings of these pretentious Temples and Churches - "we are 'authentic' and 'genuine' Satanists!" - with their fictitious "mandates" and their spurious "teachings" cobbled-together from old Jewish-inspired Grimoires and long-dead useless myths and legends, would, if left unchallenged, gradually obscure then undermine and destroy the real essence of Satanism. This essence is that it is a practical means, a practical way, to create a new, higher type of individual - and eventually a new human species. This way involves - and can only involve - real experiences, real ordeals, real darkness and real self-effort over a period of many years, for only these things build real personal character; only these things lead to a self-overcoming, an evolution of the individual. The pseudo-Satanists wallow in intellectual verbosity and engross themselves in pseudo-magickal rituals. For so defying the sinister dialectic, and revealing their true, weak, nature, some at least would be suitable as opfers.... In their last moment of terror, they would at last experience the real, primal, darkness which is Satan. - Order of Nine Angles - EOF