[from http://www.evilone.org/jezebel/satanism.html ] "Satan"ism -By Jezebel Evenio-Solomon The question that brought this on was: "Would Satanism exist without Christianity to oppose?" but it neatly describes exactly what Satanists do (and DON'T) believe in. Also, FTR: Some of what I say caused confusion. I do not mean to imply that no religion I do not mention has a Christ figure, nor that the ones I *do* mention believe in Jesus. They were just examples. "IMNSHO, it certainly would. Assuming for the moment that Christianity= All religions with a Christ figure (Islam, all sects of Christianity, Buddhism, most multi-deity paths etc. So we remove all such religions from the equation. This leaves Earth-based religions, some Native american/Indigenous Tribal religions and some Pagan religions. Satanism itself is, in my opinion, merely a matter of Honesty and being exactly who you want to be, doing exactly what is right for you- and not apologizing for it. It is hard to say "All Satanists believe...." or "All Satanists do this..." since the very purpose is to do what *you* want to. The other telling mark of a Satanist is that they worship no god higher than thier own self. Note that that does not mean that they do not believe in gods- nor does it translate into we don't give gods and the respect desrved of them, they just don't worship them. Honesty is not a concept that most in Society-at-large are comfortable with. People, in general are much to concerned with keeping up images and not hurting one anothers feelings. Confront them with blunt Honesty and watch the sparks fly! People are very content to hold in negative emotions like anger because they fear the consequences of honestly addressing thier concerns or feelings with the target of them. LaVey particularly discouraged that- urging people to let thier target *know* what they felt. After all, if you don't direct Anger or Disappointment at something or someone else than its going to be directed inwardly towards you- and why should you suffer because of what someone else did to you? Address it and move on. As for the question of would Satanism exist without Christianity's pre-existence: Of course it would! Of course, without the Christian model of Satan to name itself after, we would be called something else. The ideas behind LaVeyan Satanism are really nothing more than Objectivism with a workable model for Anger. As an aside, in many respects I consider Thelema to equal "Satanism+Mysticism+A little more maturity" Humans, by nature, want spirituality spoon fed to them. Society, by nature, will always produce charismatic leaders willing to lead the masses by doing just that. Satanism- by another name- would spring up in responce to the blatant hypocricy and fundamentalism found in pretty much any religion. And so the weak-minded would still be lead by thier Shepherd, while the strong would still gather together in opposition of such. [Of course, one should note at this point that there are true believers and hypcrites in every religious path out there. Failing to recognize the former in your opposition or the latter in your Fellows is about the wost mistake imaginable] {{Does that mean you're terrified of New Age fundies? My understanding is that magick is magick. Those who get tangled up in duality are merely showing they're rank amateurs (not that I claim to be more than a beginner. EvenLeos can keep their egos in check :)}} Abso-fucking-lutely. Trust me, you are going to regret getting me started on this. My big problem is with those white light, crystal waving earth mother freaks who go in for that 3 fold law deal. (Disclaimer: THis is in no way a statement on all such crystal lovers, just my experience with a handful IRL and more than a handful online.) I have met many individuals who live by the mantra of "An it harm none, do what thou will" which is a cool theory- on paper. But in application it is pretty frightening. Said individuals seem to feel that they can go around performing whatever workings thier little heart desires with no consequences. And maybe they won't have direct consequences but My Gods! What if everyone in the world participated in such ludicrous judgment. Can you just imagine the horrifying imbalance sure to result from such juvenile acts? Face it, every act of Magick (yeah yeah yeah I like the friggin K myself- so sue me) has consequences on many levels. If you take responsibility for those consequences, and even incorporate them into teh Work great. But some of these people- too many ime- think that they can do whatever they want and thier good intentions will come back to them three-fold. Sorry, but it just doesn't work that way. And the fact that some of these people consider themselves "Serious *Mages*" when they are really just teenagers with a Walden's Prefferred Reader card is kinda scary in and of itself. I don't personally consider myself a mage in any way shape or form, while I am ranting. I consider magick to be- not something to be practiced- but something to *live*. And I don't really think anyone can sit down and say "here are my magickal beliefs and practices" If they are really your beliefs than they should be so ingrained into the very fiber of your being that you don't *have* to think about them. I have tremendous respect for Christians who have this kind of faith in thier religion, but I have noticed that those that do are few and far between. Sadly, those of "alternative" paths are increasingly joining the ranks of the majority of christians." Now if you will excuse me I have to go finish making candles out of baby fat. A amour, contoisse et empatique; Jezebel Evenio-Solomon Back