[from http://www.slip.net/~wolf/vad/satan/tani/jbm-poem.txt ] (3 poems by generationals) (These were published by Trident long ago) WHERE ARE THE REAL SATANISTS? By J.B.M. We have no face. We have many a name. We're a universe away, not part of your game. Our lives and traditions to keep, is our only aim: We are the Tenders of the Flame. We hide from you in the still quiet of night; But if and when the time comes that we must fight? We'll hold fast with our kinsmen, our Will is Might; We'll smash you in your own noisy, bombastic light. Yes, we will fight as once before, only if we must, And this time, glory in that day when you all are dust. Between ourselves alone, there is a Trust: Stand against us, you'll feel our dagger's thrust. Should you ever force your hoped-for confrontation, You'll find you've made a grave miscalculation. In the face of our unswerving, yet patient determination You'll long for the Ignorance you've cherished as christification. You will cry for the days before you knew we were here, Before you pulled us out into the light of the sun, too near. You were given a chance to go your own way and live in your sphere, But all you can show for your wretched lives is hatred and fear. Heed this humble missive well, listen clearly to what I say; All of your efforts have come to naught: Our Will you can not sway. This war of Kind can never end, until all of you GO AWAY! Then our Bards will sing a song, about a glorious, peaceful day. The day the Cruxtoids went their own way. Tani Jantsang: make yourself round, but stay on the square. WHEN WILL YOU LEARN? By J.B.M. When will you learn the complete difference Between holding a hand and chaining a soul? When will you learn that love doesn't mean leaning, Nor does company mean security, nor can others make you whole? When will you learn that kisses aren't contracts, Nor do presents put you in a debtor-creditor role? When will you learn to accept your defeats With your head up and your eyes open wide? When will you learn to build all your roads on today, Because tomorrow's ground changes like the wild tide? With the grace of What Flows, and not a tantrum of blind fright, Will you accept that futures and plans get smashed down in mid-flight? When will you plant your own garden, and decorate your own soul Instead of waiting for someone to bring you the flowers? Have you not seen that all sentient beings endure? They all have lives, they don't waste precious hours. How many times must things happen, before you learn? Even the imbecile burnt, knows that fire will burn. They will NEVER learn...because they can not. (Tani) TO ALL By: J.B.M. The Lord of the Cosmos welcomes the birth Of all the wild creatures who dance on this earth; Each holds a gift, is endowed from the start With courage, laughter, and a fearless True-Heart. Each through their Being gives praise to this Force Which drives all things forward, assigns each its course; To each a position, and true to the Self, It follows a Nature innate to itself. We each are unique children of One Dark Mother, We reach out our hands and welcome each other, As we wish you joy and rejoice in your presence: Brothers and Sisters of Boundless Dark Essence. Children of Satan, Lovers of Night, Sparkling with laughter, Stars shining bright. Children of Fortune, weaver of spells, Tanist sons and Cosmocrator's belles. Our Ruler has hands and thousands of faces, And those such as us, give praise to these Graces. Friends of The Hearth, we delight in your name, Our voices echo in Lord Satan's fane. EOF