8/16/2000 usenet post [from http://www.swampwitch.com/satanism/ ] [Satanism Without Satan] By Lila and Serah Ashe If you're looking for flames and convolution and Geraldo-type hoopla, you might want to go somewhere else. Such things have no place in our Satanism (except the fires of imagination). Our point here is to give you a brief overview of LaVeyan Satanism, named for the author of the Satanic Bible and first High Priest of the Church of Satan, Anton Szandor LaVey (1930-1997). A tip of the pointy horns also goes to Friedrich Nietzsche and Ragnar Redbeard, whose works inspired LaVey and his Satanic philosophy. We hope you will find that there is a greater mental component present than you might have assumed. We hope that you can understand why we are what we are. "Satanism without Satan?" "You guys must be Christian!" "Satanism is just about hurting other people." "Satanists are cowards." "The Church of Marilyn Manson." These are just some of the reactions we hear in regard to our path. These barbs don't hurt, but they do tickle. In fact, these five statements provide us with a neat outline for explaining what LaVeyan Satanism is to us. 1. "Satanism without Satan?" Yes, it is possible. In LaVeyan philosophy, Satan is a metaphor for the down and dirty human nature that society has tried to annihilate. He is a figurative Satan, not a literal deity of evil. It is highly likely that LaVey chose Satan for the publicity it would bring him and his group--and don't doubt that it worked. If nothing else, LaVey had an uncanny grasp of the human psyche, and knew how to play the media. At any rate, LaVeyan Satanists do not worship Satan, but revel in the metaphor by savouring life in the here and now. 2. "You guys must be Christian!" Of course not. Our Satan has nothing to do with the Christian devil, unless you count his stance of defiance against those who would oppress him. 3. "Satanism is just about hurting other people." Magic takes energy, and so does caring. It's not damn likely that a Satanist of our kin would waste her/his precious personal energy in hurting another person when they could be working to further themselves. Satanism is about the SELF and not about the destruction of others. On this topic, we'll point out that animal sacrifices or cruelty to animals of any kind is strictly forbidden. So much for the talk shows. 4. "Satanists are cowards." We're not sure where this came from. So we'll suppose it has something to do with not facing "God" or an "afterlife". As Satanists, we live life as if this is it, this is our only spin on this planet. We think this is a far cry from the cowardice of placing all of one's chips on happiness in the afterlife which may or may not exist. If this life is all we get, best that we do as much with it as we can. 5. "The Church of Marilyn Manson." This is truly funny. Manson's Antichrist Superstar birthed a renaissance of Satanic interest, especially among teenagers. Consequently, it appears that many young people who are not mentally ready jump onto the Satanist bandwagon in emulation of Manson. While Manson is a figurehead and his last tour encouraged the audiences to be themselves, he is a minister of the Church of Satan and not the High Priest. Our message to young people is to let reading and thinking determine your path, not music. "The twilight is done. A glow of new light is borne out of the night and Lucifer is risen, once more to proclaim: "This is the age of Satan! Satan rules the Earth!" The gods of the unjust are dead. This is the morning of magic, and undefiled wisdom." For more documentation on LaVeyan Satanism as well as on other paths of Satanism, please visit Maledicta, the best storehouse on the Internet for information and Satanic goodies. Thank you for reading! May your journeys be fruitful. Books by Anton LaVey: The Satanic Bible The Satanic Rituals The Satanic Witch The Devil's Notebook Satan Speaks! Works By Friedrich Nietszche (in translation): Beyond Good and Evil The Birth of Tragedy Hammer of the Gods Philosophical Writings Thus Spake Zarathustra By Ragnar Redbeard: Might Is Right All books are available through Amazon.Com or Maledicta. EOF --