HISTORY (OCCult, 1980s; '85-6) [from two columns: one by Bill Heidrick ('Blood Libel', 1985), and another: 'PRESS CLIPS: Son of Man Bites Dog', 1986) by the Order's Frater Superior, both within 'The Magical Link' -- the periodical for Caliphate OTO members, put out by Order's HQ (CA-95/NY-96); these articles appear to be fairly reasonable assessments of the media hysteria (the latter mainly in Britain), and contain a neutral if at times favorable understanding of Satanism, especially within the first article. perhaps this is due a proximity to the Church of Satan (OTO and CoS HQs were located fairly close, geographically, during a period preceeding these writings) and/or their philosophic similarities (many Satanists ascribe the origins of modern Satanism to such writers as Crowley and Nietzsche). the latter article generally makes fun of the silly things which Christians and the media that quotes them have said about the O.T.O., which demonstrating a lack of substance surrounding the whole affair.] The Blood Libel In the last few months, in the USA, an ancient evil has surfaced. This is the infamy known as "the blood libel." The news media have carried stories, and one major TV network has actually aired a "documentary" on the quaint subject of Satanist child murder. Beyond the fourth estate this curious piece of emotional arson has found true believers among investigative agencies and citizens. Beloved Thelemites and friends. George Santayana wrote: "Those who do not remember the past are condemned to relive it." Here is the truth. Here is history. Tens of thousands of children vanish in the world every year. Most return. Some are found. Some are prostituted. Some are murdered. Some are savaged. Many just leave home as my grandfather did at age 16. This has been going on since there were human children in the world. The numbers change with population and hard times; but like any seed there is a loss in every generation.... power over minds. There are people who deliberately use the grief of parents as an unspeakable road to power. This is how they did it 2,000 years ago, and how they are using it against good people now. At the dawn of the last Aeon, there was a new Cult in the Roman Empire. It consisted mostly of unlettered persons, of the poorer classes. This Cult did not believe in much, just love (Agape) and the teachings of a Magister Templi called Joshua.... ... recitation of quotations from Joshua's more personal remarks.... One of these remarks may have had to do with the blood-red color of wineń… and a macabre just about human sacrifices still being occasionally performed by poor women in the near-by Vale of Hinnom. Typically a lady found with child, and unmarried, had to get rid of the baby fast. There was a death penalty for un-wed mothers in those days. The valley called Hinnom was once a place of sacrifice to the local Baal. Such women were allowed to expose their babies there. The more disturbed would sometime [sic] kill the baby, perhaps as an act of defiance to the god who made men immune to this particular problem.... The Christian writers of the first 150 years refer increasingly to the body and blood of their Jesus Christ (this is Greek for "Joshua the Messiah"). In the earliest instances, this reference seems to imply kinship with the Rabbi Joshua, not any sort of ritual consumption of symbolic flesh and blood under the guise of bread and wine.... By the second century, a very different public view of the actions of the Christians had formed. Largely because of the lack of participation in public sacrifices and an abstinance from meat (at least meat such as was commonly sold in those times, being meat from the temple abbatoirs), the Christians were roundly denounced as Atheists. The ancient governments used public acts of worship as an integral part of the political system. Since these Christians tended to keep mostly to themselves and to eschew sacrifice, they were held to be possible traitors to the State. Some unfortunate things happened, notably the public execution of Polycarp. According to Irenaeus (c. 120 to 201 e.v.), one particular instance occurred in a Greek community. Suspecting something, Greeks (Irenaeus doesn't say if they acted officially or as vigilantes) captured some slaves of Christians. These slaves evidently were not Christians themselves. Under torture, the slaves were made to talk about the religoius practices of their masters. The slaves quoted their masters as saying that "their communion was of the body and blood of Christ." Official investigations of charges of cannibalism followed. It should be pointed out that some Greek mystery religions of the time did have a cannibalistic element, notably the Orphic and Dionesiac. The Mithraic mysteries were much more widely spread, were often practiced by Christian family members and had a "god eating" aspect.... The early Christians made a practice of adopting infants left exposed and abandoned in public places. Although this act of charity was probably intended simply to add to the numbers of Christians and to relieve suffering, it did seem to support the slander that Christians were sacrificing babies to their god. Before long disappearnces of children left unattended in the market place were attributed to Christians. Runaways were said to be the victims of Christians. The occasional maniac who actually did kill children was sometimes called a Christian by the public. Some fallen pagans actually may have emulated the public view of what the "bad Christians do" in those times of long ago. ... In time Christianity became confounded in the minds of the worshippers with Mithraism; and the "Gospels" (post 100 e.v.) were written, mixing the stories of Rabbi Joshua with the doings of Mithras. This more practical faith spread among the legions and the provinces until the Roman Emperors appropriated it to the State as a valuable asset. Suppression of the former Roman religion followed, and the "Blood Libel" shifted off the Christians as an explanation for child vanishments. Over the intervening centuries, the Blood Libel has continued to play a major role in suppression of minority religious and ethnic groups. Undoubtedly the worst case is the use of this monstrous lie to drive pogroms against Eastern Jewish communities in the 16th and 17th centuries. It is to that period that we owe the coining of the term "blood libel". Whole villages were murdered by Cossacks on the bizarre slander that Jewish families sacrificed Christian babies as the "lambs" each Passover. Gilles de Raiz, the military advisor of Joan of Arc, was tried and convicted of child murder in Satanic and sexual rituals, and is remembered under the name "Blue Beard". It is possible that Blue Beard actually did these things, but it is known that he was taken out for political reasons. The court of King Louis the XIVth of France had a scandal of "Black Masses" with human sacrifice attached to one particular priest and some ladies seeking advantage at court. The Reformationsaw many instances of Protestants claiming the Catholic nuns were harlots who bricked up their bastard get in the walls of nunneries. Again, there may have been some instances of this owing to the practice of Maria Theresa of Austria in committing "loose girls" to life in convents. In every generation there are lost and brutalized children. In every generation the government tries to ignore infant mortality and vanishments as a problem too great to solve. In ever generation the just outcries of bereaved parents are taken up by well-meaning and by unscrupulous alike as a crisis needing attention and a contemptible road to power. Today the cry is out against witches and Satanists. The pogrom is being mounted in the halls of the US Congress; and you, dear reader, are the intended goat of public sacrifice! Because Witches in the present day are more often middle class and above average education, it may be possible to prevent the burning again. Don't think that Thelemites are safe because they aren't Satanists and need not be Wicca. The radical Christian right does not make any such distinction. For that matter, about 1/3 of O.T.O. members are also involved in Wicca, abot 1/3 Jewish (these are overlapping estimates) and an unknown but small minority of O.T.O. members may actually believe in the Christian Devil. I chanced to see the other day a segment of programming in which a video showed someone with a "Born-again Pagan" sign. The commentator said "atheist". It doesn't seem to penetrate to the average Christian that non-Christian religions are real and valid. The average Christian is blind to the fact that only Christians can become Christian Satanists. Most non-Christians simply don't believe in either the Christian God or the Christian Devil. How could they believe such things and not be Christian? Here's what has happened. No organized underground of child stealing Satanists have been found, probably owing to no such crime organization existing. There are isolated maniacs and crazies who have tortured and maimed children. There are a lot of missing children. The radical Christian right has decided to attack the 1st Amendment of the US Constitution through alleging that pagans are responsible for the missing children. Lack of any real evidence doesn't seem to be a problem. Fundamentalist Christian propaganda against pagans and wicca is providing a school for child murders. Violent crazies of Christian background listen to this crap and come to think that what they do in their sickness is "Satanism", "Witchcraft" and the like. That is what they say when caught. These unfortunates assemble doggerel ritual from movies and bible-thumper sermons. Some of them seek us out in their quest for company. Some of them kill our children! Here was the first step. Senator Jesse Helms, R.N.C. introduced this 1986 Treasury and Post Office appropriations bill: "No funds appropriated under this act shall be used to grant, maintain, or allow tax exemptions to any cult, organi- zation or other group that has a purpose, or that has any interest in, the promoting of Satanism or witchcraft." This ammendment [sic] to the bill passed the US Senate by voice vote. Next came the House of Represenatives, as HR3036. The amendment was quietly cut from the bill on 10/31/85 e.v., probably as a Holloween [sic] after thought. Representative Walker offered HR3389: "A bill to deny tax exemptions to, and income tax, estate tax, and gift tax deductions for contributions to, religious organizations having substantial interest in the promotion of witchcraft. 503(n) Religous organizations having a substantial interset in the promotion of witchcraft. (1) In general...not withstanding subsections (c) [and] (d) of section 501, any religious or apostolic organization which has as its primary purpose the promotion of witchcraft or which has a substantial interest in the promotion of witchcraft shall not be exempt from taxation under sec 501(a). (2) Definition of witchcraft --- As used in this subsection the term "witchcraft" means the purported used of a) Power derived from evil spirits; b) Sorcery; c) Supernatural powers with malicious intent." I understand that these follies have temporarily failed in the House of Representatives, but they will be back. This interesting direction in American politics seems to be coming from the same Senators and Represen- tatives who are backing mandatory Christian prayer in schools and a ban on Abortion.... A closing note on this subject. Thelema is as vulnerable as the early Christian movement to false report and misreadings of what we say and publish. Crowley wrote that he sacrificed a child many times. We know that he meant contraception, but non-Thelemites don't. In particular, there are many people who take Crowley to mean literal murder by this statement. It's up to us to correct such a potentially disastrous misinterpretation. Bill Heidrick, G.T.G. [O.T.O.] ------------------------------------------------------------ PRESS CLIPS: Son of Man Bites Dog Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. THE BRITISH PRESS has given the O.T.O. some press in April, most of it bad, some of it hilarious and all of it thought- provoking. In the main it was due to Christian groups trying to defuse criticism, drawing attention away from their own internal problems by seeking a scapegoat.... [various Christian-related stories omitted -- very funny; leaving in statements about Satanism; a Mr. Knight was arrested, it seems, on suspicion of illegal activities] After his arrest, an Anglican "task force" called the Christian Exorcism Study Group provided expert information on the occult and "Satanism" to the press. Self-described "advisors on paranormal theology," they regularly issue a book of guidelines called *Deliverance* that catalogues the un-Christian activities of the British Isles.... They didn't take the common-sense approach and assume that his "Satanism" was as bogus as his conversion to Christianity. Instead, several reporters (with the apparent assistance of the Christian Exorcism Study Group, as we will see) trotted out the most distorted accounts of the O.T.O. published in years. Mrs. Beskin of the Atlantis Bookshop in London was interviewed by *The Guardian* concerning "satanists": "Some of them find great difficulty reading *The Sun* but they come looking for the most esoteric books.... They all wear black and bite their nails, as if they really were scared of the devil. They can't pay their rates and have many wives." However, "about once a year you get a superior being, a sort of National Fronter, who knows what he's on about." When queried about the O.T.O., Mrs. Beskin quite correctly pointed out that we were "not Satanist." We must thank Mrs. Beskin for that -- she was the only responsible person to point that simple fact out to the press. The presiding judge in Knight's trial intimated to the jury that "satanism does exist in this country and that there are satanic orders devoted to its purposes," a prejudicial instruction that would probably result in a mistrial in the U.S. There were however a few voices of reason, including the Bishop of Chichester, who warned of Christians who were so "obsessed by the battle against evil, they tend to see it everywhere and become unbalanced." ... the official position of the Church of England appears to be that the O.T.O. is the largest Satanist group in the world. Presumably, they also believe that the rest of nonsense [omitted] involving video-taped initiation rites applies as well.... -------------------------------------------------------------