[review: this was from a packet of information I received from a witch who lived at Haus Kaos while she was being educated into the ways of (Gardnerian-related) Craft roundabout the year 1994-5. she found the material to be difficult to believe, given my stated claims of being a Satanist, and so brought them to me and other haus members at that time for a review. beyond this I have no idea where or when they were penned, though the copies I have are easily a third- or fourth-generation photocopy of typed materials. I am placing these in the "NonSatanist Propaganda" files. -- nocTifer] ____________________________________________________________________ SATANISTS, MAGICIANS AND WITCHES by M.F.S. [the author may not wish her name known] ------------------------------------- [only that text pertaining to Satanism entered here. -- nocT] In 1968 a survey was taken among the readership of the largest general circulation Witchcraft newsletter in the United States. The Editor asked readers to indicate which of a number of different types of covens they had either affiliated with or wished to affiliate with. The results were most surprising, as except for the members of regular covens in the readership, the majority of the readers did not apparently know the difference between the various types of covens. Some readers could not distinguish between the Craft of the Wise and some of the groups associated with it only in the minds of the more lurid press, the Satanists and the Black Magicians.... Naturally, I alone am responsible for the material presented herein. The subjects of Satanism and Ceremonial Magic are covered only as they are confused in the public mind with the religion of the Craft. A specialist in the traditions of the Craft will be able to find many slights in this exposition. I ask that they bear in mind that it was written for those looking for Wisdom, not for those who have found it. [SIGNED] -------------------------- SATANISTS Satanists are not really witches at all. Their theological base comes from the Christian Bible, a book not recognized as cannonical by those who practice the Craft of the Wise. In the Christian Gosple [sic] of Matthew, Chapter 4, Verse 9, the Devil tempts Jesus, showing him all he world and its glories. He tells him, "All these things will I give thee if thou will fall down and worship me." This is part of the temptation of Jesus, and, naturally, he repudiates the Devil and the things of the world. On this one verse in the Christian Bible hangs the whole theology of the worship of Satan. Satanists believe that the Devil is the 'Lord of this World' and Jesus, the Christ, is the 'Lord of the World to Come'. This point is also found or implied in the basic theology of the worship of Satan. Satanists believe that they are trading a promise of the eternal salvation made by Jesus for the joys of this world. Obviously the only person who can make such a trade is one who has something to trade. Thus only a convinced Christian can become a Satanist. Once a Satanist, he will remain a subject of Christian Theology and subject to the final judgement of the Christian Trinity. As a result of this change of allegiance within the Christian theological framework, Satanists usually require their applicants to repudiate their Christian Baptism, which dedicated them to the 'Lord of the World to Come'. The repudiation can take many forms, and may be a rather formal ceremony involving a ritual renunciation and the swearing of oaths to 'The Lord of this World';, [sic] the making of a pact or some such thing. The degree of the break with the former life depends on the individual group. Some groups demand that the new Satanist renounce all of his former Christian associations in some detail. Many Satanist groups demand that their members attend Christian religous services regularly, as they feel that services attended by a discipline of Satan are voided in their appeal to the Christian God. They also may try to obtain consecrated materials from the Church in this way. The basic texts of Satanism are the same as those used by the Christian Church generally, with the writings of the early fathers and the Scholastics being stressed. Gnostic Christianity is a favorite starting place for some Satanist groups; Thomas Aquinas is a favorite for others. In both Satanism and Christianity the male Father figure is the Creator of the Universe, His Son is the Redeemer of Mankind and Satan is the Antithesis of the Creator. To Satanists all women are inferior vessels, only males are capable of obtaining perfect identity with Satan, and thus the true victory in this world. Because the Satanists stress this more than other groups which hold the same doctrine, only women who wish to wallow in guilt and slime are really welcome in Satanist groups. The most revealing drawings of Satan show him as having woman's breasts, to try to avoid the blind alley to which the theology of a male creator leads. In all Satanist groups the dominant figure and leader of the group is a male. Woman is always subordinate to him, and often to all of the males in the group. Since the time of Aleister Crowley there has often been a priestess in the Satanist group, taking a place under the leader and bearing the title of 'The Great Whore' or something similar. This merely identifies the group as being of fairly recent origin. Among Satanists the ideal man is Satan and the ideal woman is the 'Great Whore' of the book of Revelations in the Christian Bible. The actual religious convictions of the group may be gauged by the amount of effort they put forth to emulate their ideals. Most Satanists feel that the leader of the group is responsible only to Satan, and cannot be called to account by any mortal. As a result, he leads the group with an iron fist in his velvet glove. Members of the group are supposed to subordinate themselves to him as they would to Satan himself, showing their dedication to their leader as their dedication to Satan. The leader is in charge of all the rituals; he trains the applicants and initiates, and usually acts as treasurer of the group as well. The authority of a leader of a Satanist group is far stronger than that exercised by any leader of any group in the Craft. He is practically never questioned by members in his group. Satanists usually work with the males wearing robes of various kinds and the females either partly or fully nude. Women are often used as an altar by the Satanists, though not always. In some groups sexual relations of various kinds often play a part in the worship services as well as in the workings of magic. They usually consider all forms of Magic black and asscribe [sic] it to Satan. The traditional Black Mass often forms the keystone of worship in the Satanist group, but there are many other forms of worship which are used. Satanists may or may not charge for training and initiation. They may either have a meeting place of their own or meet in the homes of members. Members may be charged for attendance at meetings. Membership in a Satanist group, or participation in Satanist services is usually taken to be a prohibition to a coven of the Craft. If you would really rather be a witch, don't experiment with Satanists. ... ------- WITCHES Witches are even more varied than the ceremonial magicians in their traditions. There are more witches than either Satanists, magicians or Quabbalists [sic], but, as they generally are very reticent people, they seldom make much of a splash in the press. The Satanists who do, however, have used witches as sacrificial goats since the times of the great witch trials. When the Satanists go out to desecrate a church or grave yard [sic] the witches get the blame.... French and German witch covens are not as well-known in the United States as some of the other traditions. Apparently the majority of these traditions have slid off to the point of being merely curiosities here. I know of several singletons (witches who practice alone) of the two groups, but no organized coven of the French tradition. German witch groups seem to have carried over here from the German witchcraft revival at the end of the Second World War. As the revival was of Satanism, these are not really witches at all.... ----------------------- [review: a preceding portion of the batch of documents handed out by this coven included this material of uncited source, titled "LESSON 1 -- WHAT IS THE CRAFT OF THE WISE", including the following text. nocTifer] _______________________________________________________________ ... Probably now is as good a time as any to tell you what witches re not, and what they do not do: 1. Witches are not Satanists. There is a great confusion in the mind of the public on this point. Most people feel the word witchcraft is synonymous with the word satanism.; [sic] that witches have black masses, worship the devil, do human and animal sacrifice and in general are dedicated to doing evil and hurting as many people as they possibly can in the course of their lives. What motivates this is never adequately explained of course. When I was a kid I always wondered why if witches were as powerful as people said they were, if indeed they had made pacts with the Devil and thereby gained lots of powers, then why weren't they better at protecting themselves against witchhunters -- why didn't they just disappear, or turn themselves into something or fly away. [sic] Why did they let themselves be so easy [sic] captured and executed? Of course, the truth of the matter is that witches are not Satanists. The Craft, by its very nature, could never be involved in any of the above sculduggery.... -------------------------------------------- EOF